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Title: The Relationship Between Hdi Values and Road Traffic Fatality Rates
Authors: Daibasoglu, Kaan
Düzyol, Salih Gökberk
Abstract: Road traffic accidents are a serious but an avoidable problem that cause both life and economic loss worldwide. There are some common factors such as income, education and health that affect both socioeconomic development and road traffic fatality rates of countries. Examination of these factors separately during the analyze of road traffic fatality rates might cause misleading results due to the relationships between stated variables. Thus, using an inclusive parameter like Human Development Index (HDI), may provide more realistic results. In the current study, the relationship between HDI, its dimensions (GNI per capita, expected years of schooling, mean years of schooling and life expectancy at birth) and road traffic fatality rates are examined. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted in order to obtain results about the effects of each dimension of HDI. Results showed that all dimensions of HDI negatively predicted road traffic fatalities. Results have been discussed according to related literature and suggestions have been made for further research and applications.
ISSN: 2147-6489
Appears in Collections:TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
Öğrenci Yayınları / Students' Publications

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