WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection : [5235] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1261 to 1280 of 5235
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Diagnostic classification of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by using dynamic functional connectivity: An fNIRS studyEken, Aykut ; Akaslan, Damla Sayar; Baskak, Bora; Munir, Kerim
2021Analysis and Comparison of Honeypot Activities on Two ISP NetworksYener, Devran; Özyer, Tansel ; Kugu E.
2021A Deep Neural Network Model for Stock Investment Recommendation by Considering the Stock Market as a Time GraphKeskin, Mustafa Mert; Yılmaz, Muhammed; Özbayoğlu, Ahmet Murat 
2021In-browser cryptomining for good: An untold storyTekiner E.; Acar A.; Uluagac A.S.; Kirda E.; Selçuk, Ali Aydın 
2021Using clinical drug representations for improving mortality and length of stay predictionsBardak B.; Tan, Mehmet 
2021DeepGrep: A deep convolutional neural network for predicting gene-regulating effects of small moleculesBardak B.; Tan, Mehmet 
2021A Performance Study Depending on Execution Times of Various Frameworks in Machine Learning InferenceSever M.; Ogut S.
2022Privacy in blockchain systemsOsmanoglu, Murat; Selçuk, Ali Aydın 
2022The CLEF-2022 CheckThat! Lab on Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic and Fake News DetectionNakov, Preslav; Barron-Cedeno, Alberto; Martino, Giovanni Da San; Alam, Firoj; Struss, Julia Maria; Mandl, Thomas; Kutlu, Mücahid 
2022Can We Trust Undervolting in FPGA-Based Deep Learning Designs at Harsh Conditions?Koc, Fahrettin; Salami, Behzad; Ergin, Oğuz ; Unsal, Osman; Kestelman, Adrian Cristal
2022MetaSys: A Practical Open-source Metadata Management System to Implement and Evaluate Cross-layer OptimizationsVijaykumar, Nandita; Olgun, Ataberk; Kanellopoulos, Konstantinos; Bostancı, Fatma Nisa; Hassan, Hasan; Lotfi, Mehrshad; Mutlu, Onur
2022Location-privacy preserving partial nearby friends querying in urban areasAbul, Osman 
2022Processor Security: Detecting Microarchitectural Attacks via Count-Min SketchesArikan, Kerem; Palumbo, Alessandro; Cassano, Luca; Reviriego, Pedro; Pontarelli, Salvatore; Bianchi, Giuseppe; Ergin, Oğuz 
2023Re-Think Before You Share: A Comprehensive Study on Prioritizing Check-Worthy ClaimsKartal, Yavuz Selim; Kutlu, Mücahid 
2022Imperial resilience: The Great War's end, Ottoman longevity, and incidental nationsDündar, Fuat 
2023The Still Enlightened Late-Comers: A Comparison between the Proto-Modernist Nationalisms of Guiseppe Mazzini and Ziya GokalpOngur, Hakan Övünç ; Kolasi, Klevis
2021Japan on the Borderlines: Is Japan Still a Civilian Power?Pehlivantürk, Bahadır 
2022Types of Consumer Operant Resources and Co-creation in Dialogical Service RelationshipsTarı Kasnakoğlu, Berna ; Kalender, Yunus; Gokkaya, Hatice
2022Pairs trading: is it applicable to exchange-traded funds?Tokat, Ekin ; Hayrullahoğlu A.C.
2022Heterogeneity in sectoral price and quantity responses to shocks to monetary policyÖzmen, Mustafa Utku; Tuğan M.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1261 to 1280 of 5235