Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü / Department of Biomedical Engineering : [232] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 232
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Yes/No Decoding Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fnirs)Erdoğan, S.; Ergün, S.; Giregiz, H.; Şahin, B.M.; Eken, Aykut 
2024Accurate informatic modeling of tooth enamel pellicle interactions by training substitution matrices with Mat4PepKeeper, Jeremy Horst; Seto, Jong; Ören, Ersin Emre ; Horst, Orapin V.; Hung, Ling-Hong; Samudrala, Ram
2024Explainable fNIRS-based pain decoding under pharmacological conditions via deep transfer learning approachEken, Aykut ; Yuce, Murat; Yukselen, Gulnaz; Erdogan, Sinem Burcu
2024New Generation Cellular Engineering for Living TherapeuticsTunç, N.; Bakar, M.E.; Çalışkan, Hüseyin Burak ; Ölmez, T.T.; Şeker, U.Ö.Ş.
2024Defining the Optimal Alpha Band Connectivity Pathways To Detect Depression Using Explainable AiNassehi, Farhad; Par, Asuhan; Eken, Aykut ; Yetkin, Sinan; Erogul, Osman 
2024Identification of Neurological Markers of Sarcopenia Disease Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine LearningSahin, Bora Mert; Sanli, Suveyda; Erdogan, Kubra; Durmus, Mahmut Esad; Kara, Ozgur; Kaymak, Bayram; Eken, Aykut 
2024Fabrication of Anodic and Atomic Layer Deposition-Alumina Coated Titanium Implants for Effective Osteointegration ApplicationsAlpaslan Ertürk, Pınar; Altuntas, Sevde; Irmak, Gülseren; Büyükserin, Fatih 
2024Machine Learning Based Severity Classification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Using Awake EegNassehi, Farhad; Eken, Aykut ; Atalay, Nart Bedin ; Firat, Hikmet; Erogul, Osman 
2024Effect of Chia Oil Addition To Quail (coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Diets on Growth Performance, Blood Antioxidant Status, Caecal Concentrations of Short-Chain Fatty Acids, and Biomechanical Properties of BonesÖnk, K.; Durna, Ö.; Yıldız, G.; Merhan, O.; Erbay Elibol, Fatma Kübra ; Perdeci, E.N.; Kaplan, O.
2024Gliovascular Transcriptional Perturbations in Alzheimer's Disease Reveal Molecular Mechanisms of Blood Brain Barrier Dysfunctionİş, Özkan; Wang, Xue; Reddy, Joseph S.; Min, Yuhao; Yılmaz, Elanur; Bhattarai, Prabesh; Can Demirdöğen, Birsen 
2024In Situ Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles as a Facile Strategy To Prepare Pcl Scaffolds With Antibacterial Activity for a Potential Treatment for Decubitus UlcersBayrak, Ece; Forough, Mehrdad; Tutumlu, Zeynep ; Eroğul, Osman 
2024Identifying SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Single-Molecule Conductance MeasurementsAminiranjbar, Zahra; Akın Gültakti, Çaglanaz; Alangari, Mashari Nasser; Wang, Yiren; Demir, Büşra; Köker, Zeynep; Ören, Ersin Emre 
2024Electronic Properties of Dna Origami Nanostructures Revealed by in Silico CalculationsDemir, Büşra; Akın Gültakti, Çağlanaz; Köker, Zeynep; Anantram, M. P.; Ören, Ersin Emre 
2024Biomarkers of Nrf2 Signalling: Current Status and Future ChallengesMorgenstern, C.; Lastres-Becker, I.; Can Demirdöğen, Birsen ; Costa, V.M.; Daiber, A.; Foresti, R.; Motterlini, R.
2024Which Implant Is Better for the Fixation of Posterior Wall Acetabular Fractures: a Conventional Reconstruction Plate or a Brand-New Calcaneal Plate?Tosyalı, Hakan Koray; Erbay Elibol, Fatma Kübra ; Hancıoğlu, Sertan; Kaçmaz, Suat Emre; Çalışkan, Özde İrem; Tolunay, Tolga; Demir, Teyfik 
2023Bi-Rads Categories and Breast Lesions Classification of Mammographic Images Using Artificial Intelligence Diagnostic ModelsTurk, F.; Akkur, E.; Erogul, O. 
2022Askeri Biyomedikal AraştırmalarıNassehi, Farhad; Eroğul, Osman 
20213-b Yazıcı Teknolojileri Kullanarak Kişiye Özel Sternokostal İmplant Tasarımı ve ÜretimiKurumlu Baş, Alev; Eroğul, Osman 
2021Radiomics-Machine Learning Analysis for Discrimination of Malign and Benign Breast Lesions on Mammography ImagesAkkur, Erkan; Lafcı, Oğuz; Özdemir, Galip; Öztekin, Pelin Seher; Eroğul, Osman ; Celepli, Pınar; Kosar, Pınar Nercis
2021Deep Feature Extraction and Early Prediction of Obstructive Sleep Apnea EventsNasifoglu, Huseyin; Eroğul, Osman 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 232