İşletme Bölümü / Department of Management : [115] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 115
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Forecasting Model of Shanghai and Crb Commodity IndexesGöleç, Adem; Murat, Atılım ; Tokat, Ekin ; Türkşen, İsmail Burhan 
2012Folded Overlapping Variance Estimators for SimulationMeterelliyoz Kuyzu, Melike ; Alexopoulos, Christos; Goldsman, David
2009Expectations, Use and Judgmental Adjustment of External Financial and Economic Forecasts: an Empirical InvestigationGönül, Sinan; Önkal, Dilek; Goodwin, Paul
2021Estimating Volatility Clustering and Variance Risk Premium Effects on Bank Default IndicatorsKenç, Turalay ; Çevik, Emrah İsmail
2009Detecting Stock-Price Manipulation in an Emerging Market: the Case of TurkeyÖgüt, Hulisi; Doğanay, M. Mete; Aktaş, Ramazan 
2011Cyber Security Risk Management: Public Policy Implications of Correlated Risk, Imperfect Ability To Prove Loss, and Observability of Self-ProtectionÖgüt, Hulisi; Raghunathan, Şrinivaşan; Menon, Nirup
2013Consumers' Risk Reduction StrategiesTarı Kasnakoğlu, Berna 
2016Concept Mapping Sustainable Energy Management for a Holistic Approach To Energy StrategiesSöğüt, M. Ziya; Uysal, Murat Paşa; Gazibey, Yavuz; Hepbaşlı, Arif
2022Co-Creating Positive Outcomes in Higher Education: Are Students Ready for Co-Creation?Tarı Kasnakoğlu, Berna ; Mercan, Hande
2021Bank Default Indicators With Volatility ClusteringKenç, Turalay ; Çevik, Emrah İsmail; Dibooğlu, Sel
2007A New Classifier Design With Fuzzy FunctionsÇelikyılmaz, Aslı; Türkşen, İsmail Burhan ; Aktaş, Ramazan ; Doğanay, M. Mete; Ceylan, N. Başak
2008The Configuration and Waiting Time Policies for Intrusion Detection SystemsÖğüt, Hulisi
2011The Determinants of Online Hotel ReservationÖğüt, Hulisi
2009Financial Reporting Transformation: the Experience of TurkeyAlp, Ali; Üstundağ, S.
2013Evaluation of Satisfaction With Over-The Weight Loss SupplementsKaplan, M. D.; Kasnakoğlu, B. T.; Yiğitbaşı, T.; Kaplan, Y. C.
2016Competitive Mobile Marketing and Its Impact on the Mobile Eco SystemCezar, Asunur; Raghunathan, Şrinivaşan
2020Yabancı Yatırımcı Sahipliği Oranındaki Değişimin Getiri, Volatilite ve Likidite Üzerindeki Etkisi: Bıst Gyo Sektörü İçin Panel Veri AnaliziKılıç, Saim; Delikanlı, İhsan Uğur; Alp, Dursun Ali 
2012Verimlilik Yönetiminde Ölçme ve Teşhis: Bir Kobi UygulamasıDemirtaş, Umut; Tokat, Ekin 
2007Türkiye'de İpotekli Konut Kredi Riskinin Yönetimi: Çift Endeksli Krediler Çözüm Olabilir Mi?Alp, Ali; Doğanay, M. Mete
2009Türkiye'de Sermaye Piyasası Mevzuatına Uyum Maliyetleri Halka Açılmaları Gerçekten Engelleyecek Boyutta Mı?Kılıç, Saim; Alp, Ali; Kaymaz, Önder
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 115