Mimarlık Bölümü / Department of Architecture : [101] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 101
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Technique and Tectonic Concepts as Theoretical Tools in Object and Space Production: an Experimental Approach To Building Technologies I and Ii CoursesSönmez, Murat 
2022TurkeyMıhçıoğlu, Elif 
2022A New Understanding of Resilience in Architecture: Learning From DisruptionsDoğan, Merve Nur; Öztoprak, Zelal 
2022Architecture and MediaBancı, Selda 
2022Materiart: Architectural Design, Research, and TechnologyAbbas, Günsu Merin ; Acar, Sibel ; Bancı, Selda ; Çağlar, Nur; Ruhi Sipahioğlu, Işıl ; Yılmaz, Burçin
2022Digital Materiality of Historic Heritage Sites Through Augmented RealityÇalışkan, Şeyma Nur; Acar, Aktan 
2022Structure and Fragment in Architectural PracticeAtabek Çelikli, İlkiz; Acar, Sibel ; Çağlar, Nur
2022Simulating Passive Ventilation Techniques By Using Different SoftwareDönmez, Burak; Elias-Ozkan, Soofia Tahira
2022Towards a Dialogic Perspective for Urban VoidsYaşar, Elif Ceren; Öztoprak, Zelal ; Çağlar, Nur
2022As You See: Photographic Constructs of ArchitectureAcar, Sibel 
2022Researches - Sustainability in Architectural Education: a Pilot Study on Interactive Visualization of a Scoping ReviewÖzgenç, Ömer; Ruhi Sipahioğlu, Işıl 
2022Dark Ecology in Industrial Areas: the Case of Turkish Sugar FactoriesSönmez, Murat 
2022Review on Architectural Tectonics Through Meaning and MakingAbbas, Günsu Merin 
2021Ever- Flowing TransectGürol Öngören, Pelin ; Acar, Sibel ; Özbek, Aslı 
2023Cross-Disciplinary Pedagogies: Education on Heritage and Climate Change in EuropeGürol Öngören, Pelin ; Acar, Sibel ; Özbek, Aslı ; Yılmaz, Burçin
2023Şevki Vanlı ve Millî Kütüphane BinasıGürol Öngören, Pelin 
2022Speculative Architecture: Adopting Critical Approach in the Architectural Learning Environment for a Better FutureÇakır, Defne; Bancı, Selda ; Çağlar, Tayyibe Nur 
2023Şevki Vanlı ve Mimarlık Üzerine YazmakBancı, Selda 
2021Intermedial Practices in Maya Lin’s Art and ArchitectureBancı, Selda 
2021Mimari Tasarım Sürecinde Yeni TektoniklerSönmez, Murat ; Ağca, Işınsu
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 101