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Title: Determination of the Relative Sign of the Higgs Boson Couplings To <i>w</I> and <i>z</I> Bosons Using <i>wh</I> Production Via Vector-Boson Fusion With the Atlas Detector
Authors: Aad, G.
Abbott, B.
Abeling, K.
Abicht, N. J.
Abidi, S. H.
Aboulhorma, A.
Zwalinski, L.
Keywords: [No Keyword Available]
Publisher: Amer Physical Soc
Abstract: The associated production of Higgs and W bosons via vector-boson fusion is highly sensitive to the relative sign of the Higgs boson couplings to W and Z bosons. In this Letter, two searches for this process are presented, using 140 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at root s = 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The first search targets scenarios with opposite-sign couplings of the W and Z bosons to the Higgs boson, while the second targets standard model-like scenarios with same-sign couplings. Both analyses consider Higgs boson decays into a pair of b quarks and W boson decays with an electron or muon. The data exclude the opposite-sign coupling hypothesis with a significance beyond 5 sigma, and the observed (expected) upper limit set on the cross section for vector-boson fusion WH production is 9.0 (8.7) times the standard model value at 95% confidence level.
Description: Stanislaus, Beojan/0000-0001-9007-7658; D'Auria, Saverio/0000-0003-3393-6318; ABREU, Henso/0000-0002-1599-2896; Grabowska-Bold, Iwona/0000-0001-9159-1210; Camplani, Alessandra/0000-0002-6386-9788; Haley, Joseph/0000-0002-6938-7405; Etzion, Erez/0000-0001-6871-7794; Oh, Alexander/0000-0001-9025-0422; Butterworth, Jonathan/0000-0002-5905-5394; Abramowicz, Halina/0000-0001-5329-6640; Gonnella, Francesco/0000-0003-0885-1654; Tian, Yusong/0000-0001-8739-9250; Abbott, Braden/0000-0002-5888-2734; Balek, Petr/0000-0002-0942-1966; Stabile, Alberto/0000-0002-6868-8329; KHWAIRA, Yahya/0000-0001-8538-1647; Calafiura, Paolo/0000-0002-1692-1678; Abulaiti, Yiming/0000-0003-0403-3697; Staszewski, Rafal/0000-0001-7708-9259; Mlinarevic, Marin/0000-0003-3587-646X; Fernandez-Martinez, Pablo/0000-0002-7818-6971; Bold, Tomasz/0000-0002-2432-411X; /0000-0001-5765-1750; Dyndal, Mateusz/0000-0001-9632-6352; Kupco, Alexander/0000-0003-3692-1410; Potepa, Patrycja Anna/0000-0002-1325-7214; Kretzschmar, Jan/0000-0002-8515-1355; Konstantinidis, Nikolaos/0000-0002-4140-6360; Petersen, Troels/0000-0003-0221-3037; Dingfelder, Jochen/0000-0001-5767-2121; Abicht, Nils Julius/0000-0001-5763-2760; Gwilliam, Carl/0000-0002-9401-5304; Mitsou, Vasiliki A./0000-0002-1533-8886; Ragusa, Francesco/0000-0002-4064-0489; Mindur, Bartosz/0000-0002-5511-2611; Mazzeo, Elena/0000-0002-8406-0195; Aad, Georges/0000-0002-6665-4934; Aboulhorma, Asmaa/0000-0002-9987-2292; Fiorini, Luca/0000-0002-5070-2735; Valenzuela Castillo, Franchesco Adrino/0009-0007-0110-3852; Rompotis, Nikolaos/0000-0003-2577-1875; Ventura, Andrea/0000-0002-3368-3413; Carbone, Antonio/0000-0002-4117-3800; McKee, Shawn/0000-0002-4551-4502; Dabrowski, Wladyslaw/0000-0001-9061-9568; Teixeira-Dias, Pedro/0000-0001-9977-3836; Maj, Klaudia/0000-0003-4819-9226; de la Torre Perez, Hector/0000-0002-4516-5269; Pintucci, Laura/0000-0001-9842-9830
ISSN: 0031-9007
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