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Title: Improving Topological Cluster Reconstruction Using Calorimeter Cell Timing in Atlas
Authors: Zwalinski, L.
Zou, W.
Zormpa, O.
Zorbas, T.G.
Zoch, K.
Zoccoli, A.
Živković, L.
Keywords: Calorimeters
Germanium compounds
ATLAS experiment
Bunch crossings
Calorimeter cells
Cell clustering
Noise ratio
Signal to noise
Signals reconstruction
Publisher: Springer Nature
Abstract: Clusters of topologically connected calorimeter cells around cells with large absolute signal-to-noise ratio (topo-clusters) are the basis for calorimeter signal reconstruction in the ATLAS experiment. Topological cell clustering has proven performant in LHC Runs 1 and 2. It is, however, susceptible to out-of-time pile-up of signals from soft collisions outside the 25 ns proton-bunch-crossing window associated with the event’s hard collision. To reduce this effect, a calorimeter-cell timing criterion was added to the signal-to-noise ratio requirement in the clustering algorithm. Multiple versions of this criterion were tested by reconstructing hadronic signals in simulated events and Run 2 ATLAS data. The preferred version is found to reduce the out-of-time pile-up jet multiplicity by ∼50% for jet pT∼20 GeV and by ∼80% for jet pT≳50 GeV, while not disrupting the reconstruction of hadronic signals of interest, and improving the jet energy resolution by up to 5% for 20<pT<30 GeV. Pile-up is also suppressed for other physics objects based on topo-clusters (electrons, photons, τ-leptons), reducing the overall event size on disk by about 6% in early Run 3 pile-up conditions. Offline reconstruction for Run 3 includes the timing requirement. © The Author(s) 2024.
ISSN: 1434-6044
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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