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Title: Bütünlesik sayisal süperiletken tek aki kuantum girisim aygiti ve sayisal sinyal isleme devrelerinin gelistirilmesi
Other Titles: Development of integrated digital squid with digital signalprocessing circuits
Authors: Üçpınar, Beyza Zeynep
Advisors: Bozbey, Ali
Keywords: Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Tek aki kuantumlu devreler
Manyetik alan sensörü
Sayisal sinyal isleme devreleri
Single flux quantum circuits
Magnetic field sensors
Digital signal processing circuits
Publisher: TOBB ETÜ
Abstract: Günümüz teknolojisinde çok sayida uygulamada hassas manyetometrelere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadir. Bu alanda; Süperiletken Kuantum Girisim Aygiti (SQUID) olarak bilinen süperiletken sensörler, hassas manyetik aki - voltaj transfer karakteristigine sahip cihazlardandir. Sensör veya yükseltici olarak kullanilabilen SQUID'lerin çok genis kullanim alanlari vardir. Bunlardan bazilari; deprem algilama, ilaçli manyetoensefalografi ve manyeto kardiyografi, kati hal fizigi, biyomanyetizma ve arkeoloji olarak söylenebilir. SQUID; RF SQUID ve DC SQUID olmak üzere iki ana alt baslikta incelenir. Düsük sicaklik süperiletkenlerinden yapilan RF/DC SQUID'lerde manyetik alan hassasiyeti fT/v(Hz ) mertebelerindedir. Yüksek sicaklik süperiltekenleri ile yapilan SQUID'lerde ise bu hassasiyet 100fT/v(Hz )'in altindadir. RF ve DC SQUID'ler yapi olarak basit bir sensör olmalari ve görece yüksek hassasiyete sahip olmalarina ragmen, oda sicakliginda çalisan karmasik okuma devrelerine ihtiyaç duyar. Bu durum maliyeti arttirirken ayni zamanda verileri anlamlandirma hizini da ciddi oranda etkiler. Bu tez kapsaminda; DC SQUID'leri maliyet ve hiz bakimindan kisitlayan, ayrica oda sicakliginda çalisan karmasik okuma devrelerine olan ihtiyaci ortadan kaldiracak sekilde, bir Sayisal SQUID ve ayni yonga üzerinde okuma devrelerinin de bulundugu bütünlesik sistem tasarlanmasi amaçlanmistir. Bu sayede, Sayisal SQUID'in örnekleme frekansinin artmasi ayrica ayni yonga üzerinde bulunan farkli özelliklere sahip (yüksek hiz, yüksek hassasiyet) sayisal sinyal isleme devreleri ile oda sicakliginda çalisan karmasik okuma devrelerine olan ihtiyacin ortadan kalkmasi hedeflenmistir.
Nowadays, sensitive magnetometers are used in wide application areas. SQUID, Superconducting Quantum Interference Device, is one of the most sensitive superconducting sensors, which is known for its sensitive magnetic flux-voltage characteristic. SQUIDs, which can be used as sensors or amplifiers, have a wide range of uses. Some of those are earthquake detection, medicated magnetoencephalography and magnetocardiography, solid-state physics, biomagnetism, and archeology. There are two types of SQUIDs, called RF SQUID and DC SQUID. Magnetic field sensitivity of RF/DC SQUIDs made of low-temperature superconductors is in the fT/vHz range. Although RF and DC SQUIDs are simple sensors and have relatively high sensitivity, they require complex readout circuits operating at room temperature. This situation both increases the cost and seriously affects the speed of processing of the data.Within the scope of this thesis; it is aimed to design an integrated system including a Digital SQUID and readout circuits on the same chip, which limits DC SQUIDs in terms of cost and speed, and also eliminates complex readout circuits operating at room temperature. In this way, it is desired to increase the sampling frequency of Digital SQUID and to eliminate the need for complex readout circuits operating at room temperature, thanks to digital signal processing circuits with different features (high speed, high sensitivity) on the same chip.
Appears in Collections:Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezleri / Electrical & Electronics Engineering Master Theses

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