03.14. Department of Internal Medicine

Organization name
03.14. Department of Internal Medicine
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 201-220 of 428 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012024History of PsychiatryYıldız, A.; Ekmekci, Perihan Elif ; Özüçetin, B.; Çokaslan, L.B.; Kale, E.; Şekerlisoy, M.B.; Yoldaş, S.
202Dec-2020Hookah Use and Covid-19Ardıçoğlu Akışın, Nazife Yasemin ; Öziş, Salih Erpulat ; Poyraz, Mustafa Barış; Kurt, Halil 
2032020How Much Resistance Is Considered During Prophylaxis Recommendation? a Case Report of Infective Endocarditis With Multi-Drug Resistant Streptococcus Despite Appropriate Prophylaxis Before Dental InterventionBayrak, Emel; Güner, Müberra Devrim ; Tunçbilek, Semra; Taşdelen, Serpil
204Jan-2019A Human Mission: DumlupinarAkar, Mehmet Nejat 
2052018Hypercalcemia of MalignancyÇarmıklı Demirbaş, Berrin ; Yener, Gül Gürsoy
2062022Immune Mechanisms in Human Sarcoptes Scabiei (acari: Sarcoptidae) InfestationsGazi, Umut; Taylan Özkan, Hikmet Ayşegül ; Mumcuğlu, Kosta Y.
2072021Impact of Preterm Birth on the Cellular Characteristics of Neonatal Buccal CellsDönmez, Hanife Güler; Çelik, Hasan Tolga; Kayki, Gözdem; Yiğit, Şule; Yurdakök, Murat; Çakar, Ayşe Nur ; Beksaç, Mehmet Sinan
20819-Jun-2018The Impact of Stapling Technique and Surgeon Specialism on Anastomotic Failure After Right‐sided Colorectal Resection: an International Multicentre, Prospective AuditThe 2015 European Society Of Coloproctology Collaborating Group; Demirbaş, Sezai 
2092020Impact of Vitamin D on Mobilization, Pulmonary Function Tests, Grip Strength and Functionality in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: a Cross-Sectional StudyKoçak, Fatmanur Aybala; Köseoğlu, Belma Füsun ; Sütbeyaz, Serap Tomruk
2102019Impaired Placentation and Early Pregnancy Loss in Patients With Mthfr Polymorphisms and Type-1 Diabetes MellitusGürbüz, Rumeysa Hekimoğlu; Atilla, Pergin; Örgül, Gökçen; Tanacan, Atakan; Dolgun, Anıl; Çakar, Ayşe Nur ; Beksaç, Mehmet Sinan
211May-2020The Implant Density Does Not Change the Correction Rate of the Main and the Accompanying Curves: a Comparison Between Consecutive and Intermittent Pedicle Screw ConstructsŞenköylü, Alpaslan; Çetinkaya, Mehmet; Daldal, İsmail; Eren, Ali; Aktaş, Erdem 
2122022The Importance of Body Core Temperature Evaluation in BalneotherapyOdabaşı, Ersin; Turan, Mustafa 
2132017Incentives To Increase Pharmacovigilance Practices From an Educational and Ethical Point of ViewGüner, Müberra Devrim ; Ekmekci, Perihan Elif 
142019Inconsistencies in Institutional Review Board Decisions: a Proposal To Regulate the Decision-Making ProcessEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Güner, Müberra Devrim 
15Jun-2017An Increasing Problem in Publication Ethics: Publication Bias and Editors' Role in Avoiding It.Ekmekci, Perihan Elif 
162021Intensity Tuning of the Edge States in the Imperfect Topological Waveguides Based on the Photonic Crystals With the C-3 Point Group SymmetryHajivandi, J.; Pakarzadeh, H.; Kurt, H. 
172017Interculturalism and Informed Consent: Respecting Cultural Differences Without Breaching Human RightsEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Arda, B.
182024IntroductionEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Gürcan, G.
19Apr-2020Invasive Screening for Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease: Killing Two Birds With One Stone?Çelebi, Savaş; Özcan Çelebi, Özlem; Çetin, Serkan; Özcan Çetin, Elif Hande; Diker, Erdem; Aydoğdu, Sinan; Berkalp, Berkten ; Amasyalı, Basri 
202024An Investigation Into Gender Distributions in Scholarly Publications Among Dental Faculty Members in IranSofi-Mahmudi, Ahmad; Shamsoddin, Erfan; DeTora, Lisa M.; Bierer, Barbara E.; Ekmekci, Perihan Elif ; Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin; Crawley, Francis P.