03.14. Department of Internal Medicine

Organization name
03.14. Department of Internal Medicine
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 141-160 of 420 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
141Jun-2018Etanercept Restores Vasocontractile Sensitivity Affected by Mesenteric Ischemia ReperfusionÖziş, Salih Erpulat ; Akhayeva, Tamila; Güner, Şahika; Kılıçoğlu, Sibel S.; Pampal, Arzu
1422022Ethical Analysis of Cadaver Supply and Usage Processes for Research Within the Scope of the Helsinki DeclarationBuruk, Banu ; Aytac, Gunes
1432022An Ethical Analysis of the Ai Values/Principles in “turkey’s Ai Strategy Plan” for Improving Patients’ Access To Health CareBuruk, Banu ; Arda, Berna
1441-Jun-2018Ethical and Legal Problems Arising From Off-Label Use of Medical Devices and Some Solution RecommendationsEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Arda, Berna
145Aug-2021Ethical Challenges During Covid-19 Pandemic Perspectives From Different Countries Webinar BookletEkmekci, Perihan Elif 
1462021Ethical Evaluation of Informed Consent Forms Used in Cardiology Clinics and the Importance of Institutional Standardized ApproachÇelebi, Aksuyek Savaş; Ekmekçi, Perihan Elif ; Güner, Müberra Devrim 
1472024Ethical Issues and Ethical Problems in PsychiatryGürcan, G. ; Ekmekci, Perihan Elif 
1482021Evaluation of Clinical and Mpmri Findings of Irreversible Electroporation Therapy for the Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer: Preliminary ResultsKızıl, P. G.; Altan, Ş. A.; Tarhan, Nefise Çağla ; Adsan, Öztuğ 
92019Evaluation of Ethical Analyses in Seven Reports From the European Network for Health Technology AssessmentEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Güner, Müberra Devrim 
102020Evaluation of Etiological Causes of Hematuria in ChildrenArı, Mehmet Emre; Ozlu, Sare Gülfem; Demircin, Gülay ; Caltık Yılmaz, Aysun; Aydog, Özlem; Bülbül, Mehmet
112021Evaluation of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Samples Diagnosed by Histopathology as Echinococcus in ÇorumBaş, Yılmaz; Beyhan, Yunus Emre; Şahin, Havva Hande Keser; Özçerezci, Tuğba; Karasartova, Djursun; Güreser, Ayşe Semra; Taylan Özkan, Hikmet Ayşegül 
122022Evaluation of Manubriosternal Joint Fusion and Second Costal Cartilage Calcification: Are They Useful for Estimating Advanced Age Groups?Oktay, Cemil; Aytaç, Güneş 
132023The Evaluation of Telomere Length and Telomerase Activity Measurement in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Nf1 TumorsSharafi, P. ; Kiliç, Z.; Anlar, B.; Varan, A.; Evans, S.E.; Vargel, İ.; Yildirim, Ö.
142024Evaluation of Th1/Th2 Balance in Pulmonary Cystic Echinococcosis PatientsGazi, Umut; Beyhan, Yunus Emre; Tosun, Özgur; Karasartova, Djursun; Cobanoglu, Ufuk; Taylan Özkan, Hikmet Ayşegül 
15Aug-2016Evaluation of the Informed Consent Procedure for Total Knee Arthroplasty Patients in TurkeyEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Ekmekci, Alp Burak; Karakaş¸ Özgür; Kulduk, Ahmet; Arda, Berna
162017Evaluation of the Synergistic Effect of a Combination of Colistin and Tigecycline Against Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter BaumanniiKaya, İlkem Acar; Güner, Müberra Devrim ; Akça, Gülçin; Tunçbilek, Semra; Alhan, Aslıhan; Tekeli, Emin
172022Evaluation of Umbilical Cord Immune Cells in Pregnancies With Autoimmune Disorders And/Or Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase PolymorphismsEser, Miray Sekkin; Ugur, Yesim Ulutas; Tanacan, Atakan; Hekimoglu, Rumeysa Gurbuz; Çakar, Ayşe Nur ; Beksac, Mehmet Sinan
182019Evaluation of Vitamin D Levels in Patients With Breast Cancerrelated Lymphedema: an Observational Cross-Sectional StudyÖzcan, Didem Sezgin; Dalyan, Meltem; Ergül, Serhat; Delialioğlu, Sibel Ünsal; Köseoğlu, Belma Füsun 
19Jan-2015Evcil Memeli Hayvanlarda Böbreklerin Soğuk Ortam Tekniği ile Silikon PlastinasyonuEkim, Okan; Tunalı, Selçuk ; Hazıroğlu, R. Merih; Ayvalı, Muharrem
202019Excision and Short Segment Fusion of a Double Ipsilateral Lumbar Hemivertebrae Associated With a Diastematomyelia and Fixed Pelvic ObliquityŞenköylü, Alpaslan; Çetinkaya, Mehmet; Aktaş, Erdem ; Çetin, Engin