03.14. Department of Internal Medicine

Organization name
03.14. Department of Internal Medicine
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 361-380 of 420 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3612019Serum Eosinophilic Cationic Protein Is Correlated With Food Impaction and Endoscopic Severity in Eosinophilic EsophagitisCengiz, Cem 
3622016Sex Determination From the Radiographic Measurements of Calcaneus*Uzuner, Muhammet Bora; Geneci, Ferhat; Ocak, Mert; Bayram, Pınar; Sancak, İbrahim Tanzer ; Dolgun, Anıl; Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi
3632019Shoulder Problems and Related Conditions in Patients With Implantable Cardioverter DefibrillatorsÖzcan, Didem Sezgin; Balcı, Kevser Gülcihan; Polat, Cemile Sevgi; Özcan, Özgür Ulaş; Köseoğlu, Belma Füsun ; Balcı, Mustafa Mucahit
3642021Significance of Inhibitory Maternal Killer-Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor (kir) and Fetal Kir Ligand Genotype Combinations in Placenta Related Obstetric ComplicationsÖrgül, Gökçen; Dalva, Klara; Dalva-Aydemir, Sevim; Alnıaçık, Ridvan Goksel; Dönmez, Hanife Güler; Çakar, Ayşe Nur ; Beksaç, Meral
3652019Single-Image Bayesian Restoration and Multi-Image Super-Resolution Restoration for B-Mode Ultrasound Using an Accurate System Model Involving Correlated Nature of the Speckle NoiseÖzkul, Mine Cüneyitoğlu; Mumcuoğlu, Ünal Erkan; Sancak, İbrahim Tanzer 
3662021Single-Step Amphoteric Surface Modification Through Plasma Polymerization: Antifouling Coating for Titanium SubstrateÖzgüzar, Hatice Ferda; Meydan, Ahmet Ersin; Göçmen, Julide Sedef ; Mutlu, Mehmet 
3672019Siroz ve SarkopeniCengiz, Cem 
3682018Standardizing Decision-Making Processes in Institutional Review Boards in Accordance With International Guidelines and Turkish RegulationsEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Güner, Müberra Devrim 
369May-2015Stem Cells, Definition, Types and EthicsÇakar, Ayşe Nur 
3702022Subacute Neurological Sequelae in Mild Covid-19 OutpatientsTaşkıran Sağ, Aslıhan ; Eroğlu, Erdal ; Canlar, Şule; Poyraz, Mustafa Barış; Özülken, Kemal; Mumcuoğlu, Tarkan; Numanoğlu, Numan 
3712022Subepithelial Fibrinous Accumulation and Associated Epithelial Proliferation in Laryngeal NodulesBaşak, Kayhan; Oğuztüzün, Serpil; Çaputcu, Merve; Arda, Şule Sağlam; Atlı, Muharrem; Günhan, Ömer ; Demir, Derya
3722019Submicron Size All-Semiconductor Vertical Cavities With High Q [code 142098]Demir, A.; Apaydın, D.; Kurt, H. 
373Mar-2019A Superficially Located Soft Tissue Mass in Upper Leg of a 7-Year BoyBulut, Şafak Asiye; Muşdal, Yasin; Ardıçoğlu, Akışın Nazife Yasemin ; Akar, Mehmet Nejat 
3742019A Survey Study Evaluating and Comparing the Health Literacy Knowledge and Communication Skills Used by Nurses and PhysiciansGüner, Müberra Devrim ; Ekmekci, Perihan Elif 
375Dec-2017Syrian Refugees, Health and Migration Legislation in Turkey.Ekmekci, Perihan Elif 
3762021Technological Advances in Anatomy Education PanelPeker, Tuncay Veysel; Tatar, İlhan; Tunalı, Selçuk 
3772019Tekrarlayan Ateş SendromlarıBaysun, Şahika; Demircin, Gülay 
3782024Testicular Angiomyolipoma: a Case Report and Review of the LiteratureAltan, Şükrü Ali; Karaman, Zühre Selma; Adsan, Öztuğ 
3792019A Theoretical Discussion on Fair Equal Opportunity for Vulnerable Populations; Roma People and Right To HealthEkmekci, Perihan Elif ; Döne, Kumru
3802011Tight-Binding Mechanism in Slow Light RegimeAkosman, A. E.; Mutlu, M. ; Kurt, H. ; Özbay, Ekmel