02.3. Department of Computer Engineering

Organization name
02.3. Department of Computer Engineering
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 321-340 of 341 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
321Sep-2020Türkçe Haber Metinleri için Makine Öğrenmesi Temelli Özetleme
3222023Türkçe Sosyal Medya Mesajlarından Kullanıcıların Yaş ve Cinsiyetini Tahmin Etme
3232016Twincloud: Secure Cloud Sharing Without Explicit Key Management
3242013Uncovering the Impact of Minimum-Energy Routing on Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks
3252017Undecidable Problems in Malware Analysis
3262022Understanding and Predicting Characteristics of Test Collections in Information Retrieval
327Nov-2016Urfa-Update Based Register File Architecture With Partial Register Write for Energy Efficiency
328Jul-2018Usability of Authentication Mechanisms in Secure Messaging Applications
3292015User-Specific Skin Temperature-Aware Dvfs for Smartphones
330Jan-2020Using Attribute-Based Feature Selection Approaches and Machine Learning Algorithms for Detecting Fraudulent Website Urls
3312011Using Content-Aware Bitcells To Reduce Static Energy Dissipation
3322007Using tag-match comparators for detecting soft errors
3332015Using Value Similarity of Registers for Soft Error Mitigation
33412-Jul-2019Uyarlanabilir Alttaş Kutuplama (body Bıas) Gerilimli Bir Dinamik Rastgele Erişim Belleği (dram) Yapısı
3352010Veri Yayınlamada Hassas Bilgi Gizleme
3362019Videolardan Kamera Kimliği Belirlenmesi ve Büyük Video Veri Kümelerinde Kaynak Kamera Tespiti
3372014Why the Names? Anubanini and His Clan in the Cuthaean Legend
33830-May-2018Will It Pass? Predicting the Outcome of a Source Code Review
3392019Yapay Sinir Ağlarıyla Moleküler Yapıdan Reorganizasyon Enerjisi Tayini
340Sep-2018Yazılım Davranışlarının Dinamik Olarak Değiştirilebilmesini Sağlayan Yeni Bir Yaklaşım