| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
41 | 2015 | Charpattern: Rethinking Android Lock Pattern To Adapt To Remote Authentication | Bıçakcı, Kemal ; Satiev, Tashtanbek |
42 | Sep-2020 | Chemical Induced Differential Gene Expression Prediction on Lincs Database | Işık, R.; Ekşioğlu, I.; Maral, B. C.; Bardak, B. ; Tan, Mehmet |
43 | 2018 | Cifar-10 Image Classification With Convolutional Neural Networks for Embedded Systems | Çalık, Rasim Caner; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih |
44 | 2013 | Circle Filling Rate Descriptor for Object Recognition | Şirin, Yahya; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih |
45 | 2013 | Class Representative Computation Using Graph Embedding | Aydos, Fahri; Soran, Ahmet; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih |
46 | 2013 | Class Representative Computation Using Graph Embedding and Clustering | Aydos, Fahri; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih |
47 | 2012 | Classification of Audio Codecs Based on Coding Characteristics | Hiçsönmez S.; Sencar, Hüsrev Taha ; Avcibaş I. |
48 | 2012 | Classification of Audios Containing Speech and Music | Uzun, Erkam; Sencar, Hüsrev Taha |
49 | Apr-2017 | Classification of Nervous System Withdrawn and Approved Drugs With Toxprint Features Via Machine Learning Strategies | Onay, Aytun; Onay, Melih; Abul, Osman |
50 | 2021 | Classification Utility Aware Data Stream Anonymization | Sopaoğlu, Ugur; Abul, Osman |
51 | 2022 | The Clef-2022 Checkthat! Lab on Fighting the Covid-19 Infodemic and Fake News Detection | Nakov, Preslav; Barron-Cedeno, Alberto; Martino, Giovanni Da San; Alam, Firoj; Struss, Julia Maria; Mandl, Thomas; Kutlu, Mücahid |
52 | Dec-2015 | The Cloaked-Centroid Protocol: Location Privacy Protection for a Group of Users of Location-Based Services | Ashouri-Talouki, Maede; Baraani-Dastjerdi, Ahmad; Selçuk, Ali Aydın |
53 | Dec-2017 | A Closer Look at Pure-Text Human-Interaction Proofs | Kızılöz, Hakan Ezgi; Bıçakcı, Kemal |
54 | 2021 | Coğrafi Radar Dağıtım Optimizasyonu [conference Object] | Abul, Osman ; Şavşatlı F. |
55 | 2014 | Communication / Computation Trade-Offs in Wireless Sensor Networks: Comparing Network-Level and Node-Level Strategies | Yıldız, Hüseyin Uğur; Bıçakcı, Kemal ; Tavlı, Bülent |
56 | 2012 | Communication/Computation Tradeoffs for Prolonging Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks: the Case of Digital Signatures | Bıçakcı, Kemal ; Bağcı, İbrahim Ethem; Tavlı, Bülent |
57 | 2017 | Comparison of Three Different Cnn Architectures for Age Classification | Aydoğdu, Mehmet Fatih; Çelik, Vakkas; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih |
58 | 2010 | Complexity-Effective Rename Table Design for Rapid Speculation Recovery | Asilioğlu, Goerkem; Kaya, Emine Merve; Ergin, Oğuz |
59 | 2008 | Compo: composite motif discovery using discrete models | Sandve, Geir Kjetil; Abul, Osman ; Drablos, Finn |
20 | 2022 | Composable Cachelets: Protecting Enclaves From Cache Side-Channel Attacks | Townley, Daniel; Arikan, Kerem; Liu, Yu David; Ponomarev, Dmitry; Ergin, Oğuz |