Browsing by Author Ramu, Palaniappan

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization Under Uncertainties: a ReviewAcar, Erdem ; Bayrak, Gamze; Jung, Yongsu; Lee, Ikjin; Ramu, Palaniappan; Ravichandran, Suja Shree
2022Small Failure Probability: Principles, Progress and PerspectivesLee, Ikjin; Lee, Ungki; Ramu, Palaniappan; Yadav, Deepanshu; Bayrak, Gamze; Acar, Erdem 
2021Special Issue Dedicated To Former Editor-In Raphael T. HaftkaKim, Nam H.; Queipo, Nestor V.; Viana, Felipe A. C.; Ramu, Palaniappan; Acar, Erdem ; Rodrigues, Helder C.; Cheng, Gengdong
2022A Survey of Machine Learning Techniques in Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationRamu, Palaniappan; Thananjayan, Pugazhenthi; Acar, Erdem ; Bayrak, Gamze; Park, Jeong Woo; Lee, Ikjin