Browsing by Author Koç, Mustafa

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2020Additive Effect of Topical Nepafenac on Mydriasis in Patients With Diabetes MellitusKızıltoprak, Hasan; Koç, Mustafa; Yetkin, Esat; Tekin, Kemal; İnanç, Merve; Özülken, Kemal
2022Borderline: an Interdisciplinary Spatial InstallationAcar, Aktan ; Koç, Mustafa; Bancı, Selda ; Abbas, Günsu Merin 
2022Borderline: Disiplinlerarası Bir Mekansal KurulumAcar, Aktan ; Koç, Mustafa; Bancı, Selda ; Abbas, Günsu Merin 
2020Investigation of Urban Climate and Built Environment Relations by Using Machine LearningKoç, Mustafa
2021Investigation of Urban Climates and Built Environment Relations by Using Machine LearningKoç, Mustafa; Acar, Aktan 
2018Pellüsid Marjinal Dejenerasyon Olgusunda Spontan Korneal HidropsÖzülken, Kemal; Koç, Mustafa
Jul-2020Topometric and Tomographic Evaluation of Subclinical KeratoconusKoç, Mustafa; Tekin, Kemal; Kızıltoprak, Hasan; İnanç, Merve; Kösekahya, Pınar; Özülken, Kemal; Durukan, İrfan