Browsing by Author Gezer, Doğan

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Design and Simulation of a Scada System Using Sysml and SimulinkGezer, Doğan; Ünver, Hakkı Özgür ; Taşcıoğlu, Yiğit ; Çelebioğlu, Kutay ; Aradağ, Selin
2021Frequency Containment Control of Hydropower Plants Using Different Adaptive MethodsGezer, Doğan; Taşcıoğlu, Yiğit ; Çelebioğlu, Kutay 
2013An Mv Distribution Automation System and Its Assessment in Light of the Smart Grid VisionGezer, Doğan; Uludağ, Süleyman
4-Jul-2018Speed Control of Hydraulic Turbines for Grid Synchronization Using Simple Adaptive Add-OnsGezer, Doğan; Taşcıoğlu, Yiğit ; Çelebioğlu, Kutay 
2018Su Türbini Hız Regülatörleri için Model Referanslı Uyarlamalı Denetim Eklentilerinin GeliştirilmesiGezer, Doğan