Browsing by Author Chu, Wenchang

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Binomial Sums Involving Catalan NumbersChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2019Cubic Sums of Q-Binomial Coefficients and the Fibonomial CoefficientsChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2024Inverses and Determinants of Three Classes of Hankel MatricesChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
Oct-2020Q-Binomial Formulae of Dixon`s Type and the Fibonomial SumsChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2020Quadratic Sums of Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients and Fibonomial CoefficientsKılıç, Emrah ; Chu, Wenchang
2021Three Determinant EvaluationsChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2024Well-Poised Α-Series and New Fibonomial-Like SumsChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah