Browsing by Author Aylı, E.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Control of Supersonic Cavity FlowYılmaz, I.; Aylı, E.; Aradağ, S.
2013Design of an Experimental Test Stand for Francis Type Hydraulic TurbinesKavurmacı, Berat; Akın, H.; Aylı, E.; Çelebioğlu, K. ; Aradağ, S.
2018Heat ExchangersYazıcıoğlu, A. Güvenç; Aradağ, S.; Aylı, E.; Gülben, G.; Kakaç, S. 
2024A novel CFD-ANN approach for plunger valve optimization: Cost-effective performance enhancementKaak, A.R.S.; Çelebioğlu, K. ; Bozkuş, Z.; Ulucak, O.; Aylı, E.