Browsing by Author Aksoylu, Burak

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Application and Implementation of Incorporating Local Boundary Conditions Into Nonlocal ProblemsAksoylu, Burak; Beyer, Horst Reinhard; Çeliker, Fatih
2016Comparison of Nonlocal Operators Utilizing Perturbation AnalysisAksoylu, Burak; Çeliker, Fatih
Mar-2014Conditioning Analysis of Nonlocal Integral Operators in Fractional Sobolev SpacesAksoylu, Burak; Ünlü, Zuhal
2012Goal-Oriented Adaptivity and Multilevel Preconditioning for the Poisson-Boltzmann EquationAksoylu, Burak; Bond, Stephen D.; Cyr, Eric C.; Holst, Michael
2014Matris Kondisyon Sayısında Bölge Büyüklüğünün RolüErden, Furkan
Jun-2016On a class of nonlocal wave equations from applicationsBeyer, Horst Reinhard; Aksoylu, Burak; Çeliker, Fatih
2014Peridinamik Uygulamaları için ÇözücülerAksoylu, Burak; Kaya, Adem; Erden, Furkan
2010Results on Nonlocal Boundary Value ProblemsAksoylu, Burak; Mengesha, Tadele
2011Robust Multigrid Preconditioners for the High-Contrast Biharmonic Plate EquationAksoylu, Burak; Yeter, Zuhal
Mar-2014Robust Preconditioners for the High-Contrast Stokes EquationAksoylu, Burak
2017Theoretical Foundations of Incorporating Local Boundary Conditions Into Nonlocal ProblemsAksoylu, Burak; Reinhard Beyer, Horst; Çeliker, Fatih
2011Variational Theory and Domain Decomposition for Nonlocal ProblemsAksoylu, Burak; Parks, Michael L.
2015Yerel Sınır Sartlı Yerel Olmayan Problemlerin 1 Boyuttan 2 ve 3 Boyuta GenişletilmesiKılıçer, Örsan