Browsing by Author Aakvaag, E.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Accuracy Versus Precision in Boosted Top Tagging With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Beam-Induced Backgrounds Measured in the Atlas Detector During Local Gas Injection Into the Lhc Beam VacuumAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Combination of Searches for Heavy Spin-1 Resonances Using 139 Fb-1 of Proton-Proton Collision Data at √s=13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N. J.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboelela, M.
2024Combination of Searches for Higgs Boson Decays Into a Photon and a Massless Dark Photon Using Pp Collisions at S= 13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Combination of Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production in Pp Collisions at Sqrt[s]=13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Combination of Searches for Pair-Produced Leptoquarks at S=13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.
2024Combination of Searches for Resonant Higgs Boson Pair Production Using Pp Collisions at Sqrt[s]=13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.
2024Differential Cross-Sections for Events With Missing Transverse Momentum and Jets Measured With the Atlas Detector in 13 Tev Proton-Proton CollisionsAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboelela, M.
2024Measurement of Vector Boson Production Cross Sections and Their Ratios Using <i>pp</I> Collisions at √<i>s</I>=13.6 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N. J.; Zwalinski, L.
2024Measurements of Electroweak W±z Boson Pair Production in Association With Two Jets in Pp Collisions at S = 13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Measurements of Inclusive and Differential Cross-Sections of Tt¯γ Production in Pp Collisions at S = 13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboelela, M.
2024Measurements of Lund Subjet Multiplicities in 13 Tev Proton-Proton Collisions With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboelela, M.
2024Search for a Resonance Decaying Into a Scalar Particle and a Higgs Boson in the Final State With Two Bottom Quarks and Two Photons in Proton–proton Collisions at S = 13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboelela, M.
2023Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association With a Higgs Boson Decaying To Tau Leptons at √s=13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2024Search for Dark Mesons Decaying To Top and Bottom Quarks in Proton-Proton Collisions at S = 13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Search for Flavour-Changing Neutral-Current Couplings Between the Top Quark and the Higgs Boson in Multi-Lepton Final States in 13 Tev Pp Collisions With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboelela, M.
2024Search for Heavy Majorana Neutrinos in E±e± and E±μ± Final States Via Ww Scattering in Pp Collisions at S=13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Search for Light Long-Lived Particles in Pp Collisions at Sqrt[s]=13 Tev Using Displaced Vertices in the Atlas Inner DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.
2024Search for Nearly Mass-Degenerate Higgsinos Using Low-Momentum Mildly Displaced Tracks in Pp Collisions at Sqrt[s]=13 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboelela, M.
2024Search for Neutral Long-Lived Particles That Decay Into Displaced Jets in the Atlas Calorimeter in Association With Leptons or Jets Using Pp Collisions at S = 13 TevAad, G.; Aakvaag, E.; Abbott, B.; Abdelhameed, S.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.