Browsing by Author Özcan Çelebi, Özlem

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2020The Association Between the Fibrinogen-To Ratio and Coronary Artery Disease Severity in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery DiseaseÇelebi, Savaş; Özcan Çelebi, Özlem; Berkalp, Berkten ; Amasyalı, Basri 
2020Blood Group Types O and Non-O Are Associated With Coronary Collateral Circulation DevelopmentÇelebi, Savaş; Özcan Çelebi, Özlem; Aydoğdu, Sinan; Berkalp, Berkten ; Amasyalı, Basri 
Apr-2020Invasive Screening for Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease: Killing Two Birds With One Stone?Çelebi, Savaş; Özcan Çelebi, Özlem; Çetin, Serkan; Özcan Çetin, Elif Hande; Diker, Erdem; Aydoğdu, Sinan; Berkalp, Berkten ; Amasyalı, Basri 
Jun-2020Screening of Lower Extremity Artery DiseaseÇelebi, Savaş; Özcan Çelebi, Özlem; Aydoğdu, Sinan; Berkalp, Berkten