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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5Bir Enerji Dönüştürücü MekanizmaÖzer, Mehmet Bülent 
31BİR KORUMA DİŞLİĞİ ÜRETİM YÖNTEMİGörgülüarslan, Recep Muhammet 
1956İthal malları fiat kontrolü [1956]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1956Kar hadleri kararnamesiTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1957İthal malları fiat kontrolü [1957]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
Jan-1957Türkiye'de sınai tahsisler ve tevziatTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1959Yabancı sermayeyi teşvik kanunuTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1961Halkoyuna sunulacak Türkiye Cumhuriyeti AnayasasıTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1-Jan-1962Türkiye'de iktisadi kalkınma ve vergi politikasıTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
16-Apr-1962Özel sektörü ilgilendiren başlıca konular hakkında rapor [16 Nisan 1962]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
18-Oct-1962Özel sektörü ilgilendiren başlıca konular hakkında rapor [18 - 19 Ekim 1962]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
7-Mar-1963Özel Sektörü İlgilendiren Başlıca Konular Hakkında RaporTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1995Akışkan Gücü Kontrolü TeorisiErcan, Yücel 
2003Radiation Damage Study on Various Structural Refractory Alloys of a Multi-Purpose ReactorÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Detecting Variability of Internal Carotid Arterial Doppler Signals by Lyapunov ExponentsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2004Low Dimensional Modelling and Dirichlet Boundary Controller Design for Burgers EquationEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Özbay, Hitay
2004Detection of Electrocardiographic Changes in Partial Epileptic Patients Using Lyapunov Exponents With Multilayer Perceptron Neural NetworksÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2004Utilization of Ceramic Uranium Fuels in Aries-Rs Fusion ReactorÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Ar ve Arma Metotlarının Kullanımı ile Teşhis Sistemleri için Öznitelik Çıkarma: Oftalmik Atardamar Doppler İşaretlerinin Durum AnaliziÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2004A Class of Attractions/Repulsion Functions for Stable Swarm AggregationsGazi, Veysel ; Passino, Kevin M.
2004Reducing Effective Liquid Wall Thickness in a Hylife-Ii Fusion BreederÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Selection of Optimal Ar Spectral Estimation Method for Internal Carotid Arterial Doppler Signals Using Cramer-Rao BoundÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2004Finiteness of the Area of Basins of Attraction of Relaxed Newton Method for Certain Holomorphic FunctionsÇilingir, Figen
2004Power Flattening in Aries-Rs Fusion Breeder Reactor Using Mixed FuelsÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Cavity Pressure Control of Powder Injection Moulding MachinesYigit, I; Ercan, Y; Sarıtaş, S
2004Neutronic Performance of New Coolants in a Fusion-Fission (hybrid) ReactorÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Transmutation of Minor Actinides in a High Power Density Fusion ReactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.; Altınok, T.
2004A.t. Su Politikası Çerçeve Yönergesi ve Uluslararası Açıdan Türkiye'ye Olası Bazı EtkileriPazarcı, Hüseyin
2005Oscillatory Behaviour of a Higher Order Nonlinear Neutral Delay Type Functional Differential Equation With Oscillating CoefficientsBolat, A.; Akın, Ömer 
2005Radiation Damage Studies on the First Wall of a Hylife-Ii Type Fusion BreederŞahin, Sümer; Übeyli, Mustafa
2005Fissile fuel breeding in ARIES-RS fusion reactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.; Acır, A.
2005Fissile Fuel Breeding in Hylife-Ii ReactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.; Altınok, T.
2005Eigenvector Methods for Automated Detection of Time-Varying Biomedical SignalsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Elif Derya
2005Ecg Beat Classifier Designed by Combined Neural Network ModelGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Control of Subsonic Cavity Flows by Neural Networks -Analytical Models and Experimental ValidationEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Debiasi M.; Yan Peng; Özbay Hitay; Samimy Mohammad
2005Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Gap Discontinuities in Coplanar WaveguidesGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Recurrent Neural Networks Employing Lyapunov Exponents for Eeg Signals ClassificationGüler, N. F.; Übeyli, E. D.; Güler, İnan
2005E-Govemment: a Global View and an Empirical Evaluation of Some Attributes of CitizensAkman, I; Yazıcı, A; Mishra, A; Arifoğlu, A
2005Feature Extraction From Doppler Ultrasound Signals for Automated Diagnostic SystemsÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2005Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Classification of Eeg Signals Using Wavelet CoefficientsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005A Mixture of Experts Network Structure for Breast Cancer DiagnosisÜbeyli, Elif Derya
2005Stability of a One-Dimensional Discrete-Time Asynchronous SwarmGazi, Veysel ; Passino, Kevin M.
2005A Knapsack Model for Bandwidth Management of Prerecorded Multiple Mpeg Video SourcesErten, Y. M.; Güllü, R.; Sural, H.
20052d Polynomial Interpolation: a Symbolic Approach With MathematicaYazıcı, A.; Altas, I.; Ergenç, T.
2005Feature Saliency Using Signal-To Ratios in Automated Diagnostic Systems Developed for Ecg BeatsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Strip and Line Discrete Cosine Transforms for Blocking Artifact ReductionBelkasim S.; Bhatia P.; Ramlawi W.; Akkaladevi S.; Doğdu, Erdoğan
2005A Modified Mixture of Experts Network Structure for Ecg Beats Classification With Diverse FeaturesGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Formation Control of a Multi-Agent System Using Non-Linear ServomechanismGazi, Veysel 
2005Rates of A-Statistical Convergence of Approximating OperatorsÖzarslan, M. Ali; Duman, Oktay ; Doğru, O.
2005An Expert System for Detection of Electrocardiographic Changes in Patients With Partial Epilepsy Using Wavelet-Based Neural NetworksGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005A Small Listener for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices: A Service Enabler With a Uniform Web Object ViewLiu, B.; Prasad, S. K.; Doğdu, Erdoğan
2005Automatic Detection of Ophthalmic Artery Stenosis Using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference SystemGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005On the Radiation Damage Behavior of Refractory Alloys in a Hybrid ReactorŞabin, S.; Übeyli, M.
2005Teaching Automated Diagnostic Systems for Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Signals To Biomedical Engineering Students Using MatlabÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2005Combined Neural Network Model Employing Lyapunov Exponents: Internal Carotid Arterial Disorders Detection CaseGüler N. F.; Übeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2005Investigation of Rheological Properties of the Feedstocks Composed of Steatite and 316l Stainless Steel Powders and Peg Based ResinsKarataş, C.; Gökten, M.; Ünal, H. I.; Sarıtaş, S.; Uslan, I.
2005On the Drop-Weight Testing of Alumina/Aluminum Laminated CompositesÜbeyli, Mustafa; Yıldırım, R. Orhan; Öğel, Bilgehan
2005A Mixture of Experts Network Structure for Eeg Signals ClassificationGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, N. F.
2005Neural Network Analysis of Ophthalmic Arterial Doppler Signals With Uveitis DiseaseGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005A-Statistical Extension of the Korovkin Type Approximation TheoremErkuş,Duman, Esra; Duman, Oktay 
2005Computer Aided Nonlinear Analysis of Machine Tool Vibrations and a Developed Computer SoftwareTaşkesen A.; Ercan, Yücel 
2005Utilization of New Coolants in a Multi-Functional ReactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.
2005Swarm Aggregations Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding-Mode ControlGazi, Veysel 
2005Theoretical Investigation of a Time-Suboptimal Control Method for Rotational Motions of Industrial Manipulators End-EffectorsKılıçaslan, Sinan; Ercan, Yücel 
2005Statistics Over Lyapunov Exponents for Feature Extraction: Electroencephalographic Changes Detection CaseÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, Inan
2005Oscillations of Higher-Order of Systems of Difference EquationsÖcalan, Özkan; Akın, Ömer 
2005Neutronic Analysis of a High Power Density Hybrid Reactor Using Innovative CoolantsYalçın, S.; Übeyli, Mustafa; Acır, A.
2005Fuzzy Boundary Control of 2d Burgers Equation With an ObserverEfe, Mehmet Önder 
2005Rates of A-Statistical Convergence of Positive Linear OperatorsDuman, O. ; Orhan, C.
2005A Generalizing Fuzzy Model for Shallow Cavity Flows Under Different Mach RegimesEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Debiasi, M; Yan, Peng; Özbay Hitay; Samimy, M
2005Infinite Dimensional and Reduced Order Observers for Burgers EquationEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Özbay, Hitay; Samimy, M.
2005Halide Edib Adıvar'ın "ınside India" Adlı Eseri ve Hindistan ZiyaretiBilkan, Ali Fuat
2005Türkiye Konaklama İstatistiklerine İlişkin Anket Uygulamasının Örnekleme ve Tam Sayım Açısından DeğerlendirilmesiErdemir, Cenap
2005From a Failed State To a Weak One? Georgia and Turkish-Georgian RelationsÇelikpala, Mitat
2005Turkish Foreign Policy at the End of the Cold War: Roots and DynamicsAydın, Mustafa
May-20054. Orta Anadolu İşletmecilik Kongresi "Kurumsal Yönetim"TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
2006TOK'06 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı 6-8 Kasım 2006TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
2006Çok Katmanlı Perseptron Sinir Ağları ile Diyabet Hastalığının TeşhisiGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Elif Derya
2006Impact of Parameter Variations on Circuits and MicroarchitectureÜnsal, Osman S.; Tschanz, James W.; Bowman, Keith; De, Vivek; vera, Xavier; Gonzalez, Antonio; Ergin, Oğuz 
2006An Abstract Version of the Korovkin Approximation TheoremDuman, Oktay ; Orhan, Cihan
2006Achieving Natural Clustering by Validating Results of Iterative Evolutionary Clustering ApproachÖzyer T.; Alhajj R.
2006Impact of Solid Breeder Materials on Tritium Breeding in a Hybrid ReactorÜbeyli, Mustafa
2006Statistical Approximation of Certain Positive Linear Operators Constructed by Means of the Chan-Chyan PolynomialsErkuş,Duman, Esra; Duman, Oktay ; Srivastava, H. M.
2006Decentralized Output Regulation of a Class of Nonlinear SystemsGazi, Veysel ; Passino, Kevin M.
2006Statistical Approximation of Meyer-Konig and Zeller Operators Based on Q-IntegersDoğru, O.; Duman, O. 
2006On the Neutronic Performance of Hylife-Ii Reactor Fuelled With Carbide FuelsYapıcı, Hüseyin; Übeyli, Mustafa
2006Effects of Asynchronism and Neighborhood Size on Clustering in Self-Propelled Particle SystemsŞamiloğlu, Andaç T.; Gazi, Veysel ; Koku, A. Buğra
2006Statistical Approximation Theorems by K-Positive Linear OperatorsDuman, O. 
2006Empirics of Corruption and Crime: Symposium Editor's IntroductionSayan, Serdar 
2006Asynchronous Cyclic PursuitŞamiloğlu, Andaç T.; Gazi, Veysel ; Koku, A. Buğra
2006Approximation of Continuous Periodic Functions Via Statistical ConvergenceDuman, O. ; Erkuş, E.
2006On the Generalized Order-K Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Taşcı, Dursun
2006Combined Neural Network Model To Compute Wavelet CoefficientsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2006Impact of Ending Rules in Online Auctions: the Case of Yahoo.comOnur, İlke; Tomak, Kerem
2006Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System To Compute Quasi-Tem Characteristic Parameters of Microshield Lines With Practical Cavity Sidewall ProfilesÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2006On the Radiation Damage Characterization of Candidate First Wall Materials in a Fusion Reactor Using Various Molten SaltsÜbeyli, Mustafa
2006VSC perspective for neurocontroller tuningEfe, Mehmet Önder 
2006Efficient Scheduling Strategies for Web Services-Based E-Business TransactionsDoğdu, Erdoğan; Mamidenna, V.
2006On Integral Type Generalizations of Positive Linear OperatorsDuman, O. ; Özarslan, M. A.; Doğru, O.
2006Spacecraft Swarm Navigation and Control Using Artificial Potential Field and Sliding Mode ControlSaaj, Chakravarthini M.; Lappas, Vaios; Gazi, Veysel