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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5Bir Enerji Dönüştürücü MekanizmaÖzer, Mehmet Bülent 
31BİR KORUMA DİŞLİĞİ ÜRETİM YÖNTEMİGörgülüarslan, Recep Muhammet 
1956İthal malları fiat kontrolü [1956]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1956Kar hadleri kararnamesiTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1957İthal malları fiat kontrolü [1957]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
Jan-1957Türkiye'de sınai tahsisler ve tevziatTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1959Yabancı sermayeyi teşvik kanunuTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1961Halkoyuna sunulacak Türkiye Cumhuriyeti AnayasasıTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1-Jan-1962Türkiye'de iktisadi kalkınma ve vergi politikasıTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
16-Apr-1962Özel sektörü ilgilendiren başlıca konular hakkında rapor [16 Nisan 1962]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
18-Oct-1962Özel sektörü ilgilendiren başlıca konular hakkında rapor [18 - 19 Ekim 1962]Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
7-Mar-1963Özel Sektörü İlgilendiren Başlıca Konular Hakkında RaporTürkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği
1992Mitigation of Compromising Privacy by Transmission Range Control in Wireless Sensor NetworksTavli, B.; Ozciloglu, M.M.; Bicakci, K. 
1995Akışkan Gücü Kontrolü TeorisiErcan, Yücel 
2003Radiation Damage Study on Various Structural Refractory Alloys of a Multi-Purpose ReactorÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Utilization of Ceramic Uranium Fuels in Aries-Rs Fusion ReactorÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Cavity Pressure Control of Powder Injection Moulding MachinesYigit, I; Ercan, Y; Sarıtaş, S
2004Finiteness of the Area of Basins of Attraction of Relaxed Newton Method for Certain Holomorphic FunctionsÇilingir, Figen
2004A.t. Su Politikası Çerçeve Yönergesi ve Uluslararası Açıdan Türkiye'ye Olası Bazı EtkileriPazarcı, Hüseyin
2004Transmutation of Minor Actinides in a High Power Density Fusion ReactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.; Altınok, T.
2004Low Dimensional Modelling and Dirichlet Boundary Controller Design for Burgers EquationEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Özbay, Hitay
2004Power Flattening in Aries-Rs Fusion Breeder Reactor Using Mixed FuelsÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004A Class of Attractions/Repulsion Functions for Stable Swarm AggregationsGazi, Veysel ; Passino, Kevin M.
2004Neutronic Performance of New Coolants in a Fusion-Fission (hybrid) ReactorÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Selection of Optimal Ar Spectral Estimation Method for Internal Carotid Arterial Doppler Signals Using Cramer-Rao BoundÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2004Reducing Effective Liquid Wall Thickness in a Hylife-Ii Fusion BreederÜbeyli, Mustafa
2004Ar ve Arma Metotlarının Kullanımı ile Teşhis Sistemleri için Öznitelik Çıkarma: Oftalmik Atardamar Doppler İşaretlerinin Durum AnaliziÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2004Detection of Electrocardiographic Changes in Partial Epileptic Patients Using Lyapunov Exponents With Multilayer Perceptron Neural NetworksÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2004Detecting Variability of Internal Carotid Arterial Doppler Signals by Lyapunov ExponentsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Swarm Aggregations Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding-Mode ControlGazi, Veysel 
2005Teaching Automated Diagnostic Systems for Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Signals To Biomedical Engineering Students Using MatlabÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2005Computer Aided Nonlinear Analysis of Machine Tool Vibrations and a Developed Computer SoftwareTaşkesen A.; Ercan, Yücel 
2005Theoretical Investigation of a Time-Suboptimal Control Method for Rotational Motions of Industrial Manipulators End-EffectorsKılıçaslan, Sinan; Ercan, Yücel 
2005E-Govemment: a Global View and an Empirical Evaluation of Some Attributes of CitizensAkman, I; Yazıcı, A; Mishra, A; Arifoğlu, A
2005Investigation of Rheological Properties of the Feedstocks Composed of Steatite and 316l Stainless Steel Powders and Peg Based ResinsKarataş, C.; Gökten, M.; Ünal, H. I.; Sarıtaş, S.; Uslan, I.
2005Türkiye Konaklama İstatistiklerine İlişkin Anket Uygulamasının Örnekleme ve Tam Sayım Açısından DeğerlendirilmesiErdemir, Cenap
2005Halide Edib Adıvar'ın "ınside India" Adlı Eseri ve Hindistan ZiyaretiBilkan, Ali Fuat
2005Rates of A-Statistical Convergence of Positive Linear OperatorsDuman, O. ; Orhan, C.
2005Oscillatory Behaviour of a Higher Order Nonlinear Neutral Delay Type Functional Differential Equation With Oscillating CoefficientsBolat, A.; Akın, Ömer 
2005Oscillations of Higher-Order of Systems of Difference EquationsÖcalan, Özkan; Akın, Ömer 
2005A-Statistical Extension of the Korovkin Type Approximation TheoremErkuş,Duman, Esra; Duman, Oktay 
2005From a Failed State To a Weak One? Georgia and Turkish-Georgian RelationsÇelikpala, Mitat
2005Turkish Foreign Policy at the End of the Cold War: Roots and DynamicsAydın, Mustafa
2005A Small Listener for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices: A Service Enabler With a Uniform Web Object ViewLiu, B.; Prasad, S. K.; Doğdu, Erdoğan
20052d Polynomial Interpolation: a Symbolic Approach With MathematicaYazıcı, A.; Altas, I.; Ergenç, T.
2005A Mixture of Experts Network Structure for Breast Cancer DiagnosisÜbeyli, Elif Derya
2005Combined Neural Network Model Employing Lyapunov Exponents: Internal Carotid Arterial Disorders Detection CaseGüler N. F.; Übeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2005A Mixture of Experts Network Structure for Eeg Signals ClassificationGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, N. F.
2005Eigenvector Methods for Automated Detection of Time-Varying Biomedical SignalsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Elif Derya
2005On the Radiation Damage Behavior of Refractory Alloys in a Hybrid ReactorŞabin, S.; Übeyli, M.
2005A Generalizing Fuzzy Model for Shallow Cavity Flows Under Different Mach RegimesEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Debiasi, M; Yan, Peng; Özbay Hitay; Samimy, M
2005An Expert System for Detection of Electrocardiographic Changes in Patients With Partial Epilepsy Using Wavelet-Based Neural NetworksGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Ecg Beat Classifier Designed by Combined Neural Network ModelGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Feature Saliency Using Signal-To Ratios in Automated Diagnostic Systems Developed for Ecg BeatsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Recurrent Neural Networks Employing Lyapunov Exponents for Eeg Signals ClassificationGüler, N. F.; Übeyli, E. D.; Güler, İnan
2005Statistics Over Lyapunov Exponents for Feature Extraction: Electroencephalographic Changes Detection CaseÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, Inan
2005Control of Subsonic Cavity Flows by Neural Networks -Analytical Models and Experimental ValidationEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Debiasi M.; Yan Peng; Özbay Hitay; Samimy Mohammad
2005Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Gap Discontinuities in Coplanar WaveguidesGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Automatic Detection of Ophthalmic Artery Stenosis Using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference SystemGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Feature Extraction From Doppler Ultrasound Signals for Automated Diagnostic SystemsÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan
2005Fissile Fuel Breeding in Hylife-Ii ReactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.; Altınok, T.
2005Utilization of New Coolants in a Multi-Functional ReactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.
2005Formation Control of a Multi-Agent System Using Non-Linear ServomechanismGazi, Veysel 
2005Fuzzy Boundary Control of 2d Burgers Equation With an ObserverEfe, Mehmet Önder 
2005Infinite Dimensional and Reduced Order Observers for Burgers EquationEfe, Mehmet Önder ; Özbay, Hitay; Samimy, M.
2005Neural Network Analysis of Ophthalmic Arterial Doppler Signals With Uveitis DiseaseGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Fissile fuel breeding in ARIES-RS fusion reactorŞahin, S.; Übeyli, M.; Acır, A.
2005A Modified Mixture of Experts Network Structure for Ecg Beats Classification With Diverse FeaturesGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Classification of Eeg Signals Using Wavelet CoefficientsGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2005Neutronic Analysis of a High Power Density Hybrid Reactor Using Innovative CoolantsYalçın, S.; Übeyli, Mustafa; Acır, A.
2005On the Drop-Weight Testing of Alumina/Aluminum Laminated CompositesÜbeyli, Mustafa; Yıldırım, R. Orhan; Öğel, Bilgehan
2005Radiation Damage Studies on the First Wall of a Hylife-Ii Type Fusion BreederŞahin, Sümer; Übeyli, Mustafa
2005Stability of a One-Dimensional Discrete-Time Asynchronous SwarmGazi, Veysel ; Passino, Kevin M.
2005Strip and Line Discrete Cosine Transforms for Blocking Artifact ReductionBelkasim S.; Bhatia P.; Ramlawi W.; Akkaladevi S.; Doğdu, Erdoğan
2005A Knapsack Model for Bandwidth Management of Prerecorded Multiple Mpeg Video SourcesErten, Y. M.; Güllü, R.; Sural, H.
2005Rates of A-Statistical Convergence of Approximating OperatorsÖzarslan, M. Ali; Duman, Oktay ; Doğru, O.
May-20054. Orta Anadolu İşletmecilik Kongresi "Kurumsal Yönetim"TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
2006Otomatik Web Servisleri YürütücüsüDoğdu, Erdoğan
2006TOK'06 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı 6-8 Kasım 2006TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
2006Comparison of Fuzzy Functions With Fuzzy Rule Base ApproachesBurhan, Türkşen İ.; Çelikyılmaz, Aslı
2006Aircraft Structural Safety : Effects of Explicit and Implicit Safety and Measures Uncertainty Reduction MechanismsAcar, Erdem 
2006Swarm Tracking Using Artificial Potentials and Sliding Mode Control [conference Object]Yao, Jingyi; Ordonez, Raul; Gazi, Veysel 
2006VSC perspective for neurocontroller tuningEfe, Mehmet Önder 
2006Utilization of Refractory Metals and Alloys in Fusion Reactor StructuresÜbeyli, Mustafa; Yalçın, Şenay
2006Radiation Damage Study at First Wall Structures of a Hybrid Type Magnetic Fusion ReactorÜbeyli, Mehmet; Demir, Teyfik 
2006İmalat Hücresinde Kullanılan Bir Robotun İşlemlerinin SıralanmasıUsta, Yusuf; Ercan, Yücel 
2006A New Approximate Factorization Method Suitable for Structured and Unstructured GridsÇete, R.; Kaynak, Ünver 
2006Determination of Transition Correlations for Zero-Pressure Gradient Flat Plate FlowsGürdamar E.; Çete R.; Aksel H.; Kaynak Ünver
2006Klasik Bir Torna Tezgahı için Bilgisayar Kontrollü Profil Tornalama Sistemi GeliştirilmesiKeleş, Ömer; Usta, Yusuf; Yeşilbağ, Y. Yücel; Ercan, Yücel 
2006Instruction Packing: Toward Fast and Energy-Efficient Instruction SchedulingSharkey, J. J.; Ponomarev, D. V.; Ghose, K.; Ergin, Oğuz 
2006Exploiting Narrow Values for Soft Error ToleranceErgin, Oğuz ; Ünsal, O.; vera X.; González, A.
2006A 9.95-11.3-Gb/s XFP transceiver in 0.13-mu m CMOSKenney, John G.; Dalton, Declan; Evans, Eric; Eskiyerli, Murat Hayri; Hilton, Barry; Hitchcox, Dave; DeVito, Lawrence
2006Software Piracy Among It Professionals in OrganizationsMishra, Alok; Akman, İbrahim; Yazıcı, Ali
2006Throughput Analysis of Udp and Vpn Traffic in 802.11g Networksİkiz, Süheyla; Erten, Y. M.
2006Raman-Noise Quantum Limits for ?(3) Nondegenerate Phase-Sensitive Amplification and Quadrature SqueezingVoss, P.L.; Köprülü, K.G.; Kumar, P.
2006Predicting Financial Failure of the Turkish BanksDoganay, M. Mete; Ceylan, Nildağ Başak; Aktaş, Ramazan 
2006On the Generalized Order-K Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Taşcı, Dursun
2006Statistical Approximation of Certain Positive Linear Operators Constructed by Means of the Chan-Chyan PolynomialsErkuş,Duman, Esra; Duman, Oktay ; Srivastava, H. M.
2006Statistical Rates on the Multivariate Approximation TheoryDuman, Oktay ; Erkuş, Duman Esra; Gupta, Vijay
2006Approximation of Continuous Periodic Functions Via Statistical ConvergenceDuman, O. ; Erkuş, E.