Browsing by Author Çolak, Hasan

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Adamantios Korais and His Turkish NotesÇolak, Hasan 
1-Apr-2018Amsterdam's Greek Merchants: Proteges of the Dutch, Beneficiaries of the Russians, Subjects of the Ottomans and Supporters of GreeceÇolak, Hasan 
2018Aydınlanmanın Osmanlı Dünyasındaki Erken Etkileri ve Ioannis Pringos (1725-1789)Çolak, Hasan 
2019Bilim, İlahiyat ve Siyasetin Merkezinde Bir Osmanlı Münevveri: Kudüs Patriği Chrysanthos NotarasÇolak, Hasan 
2024Bir Bağlantılı Tarih Örneği Olarak İbrahim Müteferrika'nın Çok Kimlikli Düşünce DünyasıAlbayrak, Sedef
2023Economic Interaction Between the Greek Orthodox Church and the Ottoman State in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman DocumentsGürkan, Deni̇z
2024Ibrahim Müteferrika and the Ottoman Intellectual Culture in the Early 18th Century: a Transcultural PerspectiveÇolak, H. 
2024Iıı. Selim Döneminde Nizam Kavramının DönüşümüAkay, Selman
2019Neresi Sıla, Neresi Gurbet? Amsterdam’daki Osmanlı Rumlarında Mekân ve Kimlik İlişkisiÇolak, Hasan 
2019The Orthodox Church as an Ottoman Institution: a Study of Early Modern Patriarchal BeratsÇolak, Hasan ; Bayraktar,Tellan Elif
2022Ottoman Central Administration and Primacy in the Orthodox Church: Sources and Agents of Knowledge and Inter-Patriarchal ConflictsÇolak, Hasan 
2022Rusya'da Bir Osmanlı Rum Âlimi: Evgenios Voulgaris ve Ortodoks Kilisesinde AydınlanmaAtalay, Eda Genç
2020Sailing Through Modernity: Journey of Mirror of Victory To Portsmouth and Connected History of the Ottoman Naval ModernisationArabacı, Büşra
2023When a Catholic Is Invested as the Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch: Serafeim/Kyrillos Tanas and the Ottoman Central Administration in 1745Çolak, Hasan