Browsing by Author Yalta, Abdullah Talha

Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Abd'nin Savunma Harcaması Talebi: Soğuk Savaş Sonrası için Ampirik Bir ÇalışmaTüzün, Furkan
2008The Accuracy of Statistical Distributions in Microsoft (r) Excel 2007Yalta, Abdullah Talha 
2011Analyzing Energy Consumption and Gdp Nexus Using Maximum Entropy Bootstrap: the Case of TurkeyYalta, Abdullah Talha 
1-Dec-2018Are Credit Rating Agencies Regionally Biased?Yalta, Abdullah Talha ; Yalta, Ayşe Talha
Aug-2016Bootstrap Inference of Level Relationships in the Presence of Serially Correlated Errors: a Large Scale Simulation Study and an Application in Energy DemandYalta, Abdullah Talha 
2023Capital Flight and the Real Exchange Rate: Evidence From Resource Scarce Mena CountriesYalta, A. Yasemin; Yalta, Abdullah Talha 
2017Dependency on Imported Oil and Its Effects on Current AccountYalta, Ayşe Talha; Yalta, Abdullah Talha 
2022The Determinants of Defense Spending in the Gulf RegionYalta, Abdullah Talha ; Yalta, Ayşe Talha
2016Does Financial Liberalization Decrease Capital Flight? a Panel Causality AnalysisYalta, Ayşe Talha; Yalta, Abdullah Talha 
2016Down Payment Saving in the United States: Evidence From the Panel Study of Income DynamicsYalta, Abdullah Talha 
Feb-2016The Dynamics of Fuel Demand and Illegal Fuel Activity in TurkeyYalta, Abdullah Talha ; Yalta, Ayşe Talha
2012Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in China: a ReconciliationYalta, Abdullah Talha ; Çakar, Hatice
Aug-2016Estimating the Evolution of Elasticities of Natural Gas Demand: the Case of Istanbul, TurkeyAltınay, Galip; Yalta, Abdullah Talha 
2008The Gnu/Linux Platform and Freedom Respecting Software for EconomistsYalta, Abdullah Talha ; Lucchetti, Riccardo
2019Modern Makroekonomiye GirişYalta, Ayşe Talha; Yalta, Abdullah Talha 
2019Modern Mikroekonomiye GirişYalta, Abdullah Talha ; Yalta, Ayşe Talha
2007The Numerical Reliability of Gauss 8.0Yalta, Abdullah Talha 
2009On the Importance of Verifying Forecasting ResultsYalta, Abdullah Talha ; Jenal, Olaf
2012Random Number Generation in GretlYalta, Abdullah Talha ; Schreiber, Sven
2010Should Economists Use Open Source Software for Doing Research?Yalta, Abdullah Talha ; Yalta, Ayşe Talha